We love all Registers, but that doesn't mean we can't have favourites! These Registers all have active maintenance, are high-quality and are well-designed - everything a great Register should be!
British English names and descriptive terms for countries as recognised by the UK government
A register of UK government cats Licence: CC-BY-4.0 Original blogpost: https://medium.com/hackernoon/gov-cats-f143d4a7407b (note this version of the data is published in registers.app, it's also still available in Github via Octopub.io as per original publication)
Government departments, agencies or teams that exist on GOV.UK
In the first of our spotlight series on custodians, Mark Coram from MHCLG gives us some tips on managing important data and explains some subtleties in keeping his Local Authority Name and Local Authority Type Registers up to date.
In todays spotlight, we are delighted to introduce you to Mark Coram.
Local authorities in England
UK Government departments and agencies publish their most important and re-useable data as Registers.
Food allergens as recognised by the Food Standards Agency
Open standards approved for use in government technology
Guidance defining open standards approved for government technology
Registers.app makes it easy to display and use location data contained in Registers. All of these Registers have location identifiers that can be shown on a map and in different coordinate systems.
OS OpenNames in a Register
The European Commission maintains a list of organisations that have been designated to carry out conformity assessments for a specific legislation. This might include safety checks on toys or home appliances. These Registers are pulled from the NANDO online database. The data collected is copyright European Union, 1995-2019.
Organisations that, having fulfilled the relevant requirements, are designated to carry out conformity assessment according to specific legislation.
Types of body defined by NANDO.
EU product harmonisation legislation - can be in the form of a Directive, a Regulation or a Decision.