Political Organisations register

Blue plaque IDs in a register

Ecref Regulatedentityname Regulatedentitytypename Registrationstatusname Registrationname Companyregistrationnumber Approveddate Fieldingcandidatesinengland Fieldingcandidatesinscotland Fieldingcandidatesinwales Fieldingcandidatesminorparty Campaigningname
The Electoral Commision reference number Name of the entity Type of entity The registration status (Registerd/Lapsed/Deregistered) The register the orgnisation is on (GB or NI, only for political parties) The organisations company regestration, if it has one Whether the party fields candidates in England Whether the party fields candidates in Scotland Whether the party fields candidates in Wales Whether the party fields candidates as a minor party (i.e. only in a few constituencies) The name the organisation uses when campaigning (if different from it's entity name
Young Unionists Third Party Registered False False False False