Body register

Organisations that, having fulfilled the relevant requirements, are designated to carry out conformity assessment according to specific legislation.

Body Type Notified-Body-Number Name Country Address Phone Fax Email Website Products Procedures
The NANDO unique identifier for this body. The unique code for the type that this body is. The unique number assigned to this body if it has notified. The name of this body. Code of the country that this body is based in. The address the body is based at. A phone number on which the body can receive calls. A phone number on which the body can receive faxes. An e-mail address at which the body can receive mail. URL of a website describing the body. Product types the body is accredited to handle. Procedures the body is accredited to carry out.
NANDO_INPUT_242644 body-type:NB 2788 ADR INSPECT S.R.L. Romania Bulevardul Regina Elisabeta nr.7-9, et.2, camera 3, sector 3 Bucharest +40 21 319.99.29 +40 21 319.99.29 office@adr inspect product:141124; procedure:141131;procedure:141131;procedure:141131;procedure:141132;
NANDO_INPUT_243243 body-type:NB 2789 FINANCIERE POURQUERY France 2, Espace Henry Vallée 69 007 LYON Lyon 04 78 61 21 16 product:155510; procedure:103;
NANDO_INPUT_243384 body-type:NB 2790 ASSOCIAÇÃO PORTUGUESA DOS INDUSTRIAIS DO CALÇADO, COMPONENTES, ARTIGOS DE PELE E SEUS SUCEDÂNEOS Portugal RUA ALVES REDOL, 372 4050-040 PORTO +351 225074150 +351 225074179 product:155516;product:155979; procedure:103;
NANDO_INPUT_243444 body-type:NB 2791 İntertek Kalite Servisleri Ltd.Şti Turkey Içerenköy Mah. Eski Üsküdar Yolu Cad. VIP Center No:10 Kat:12 Ataşehir İstanbul/TÜRKİYE Istanbul +90 216 445 00 00 +90 216 445 00 09 /
NANDO_INPUT_243485 body-type:NB 2792 Bureau Veritas Industry Services GmbH Germany Veritaskai 1 21079 Hamburg +49 (40) 236250 +49 (40) 23625500 product:141122; procedure:141131;procedure:141131;procedure:141132;
NANDO_INPUT_243664 body-type:NB 2793 EURO CERT SYSTEMS SRL Romania ALEEA BISTRICIOARA NR. 14, BL. 67, SC. 2, ET. 3, AP. 25, SECTOR 2 BUCURESTI +40 021 313 34 03 +40 021 313 34 03
NANDO_INPUT_243705 body-type:NB 2797 BSI Group The Netherlands B.V. Netherlands Say Building, John M. Keynesplein 9, 1066 EP Amsterdam +31 (0)20 346 07 80 product:134921;product:136741;
NANDO_INPUT_243943 body-type:NB 2794 Intertek DIC A/S Denmark Buen 12, 3.sal 6000 Kolding +45 7572 6611
NANDO_INPUT_244003 body-type:NB 2795 Gexcon Certification AS Norway P.O. Box 6015 NO-5892 Bergen +47 55 57 43 30 product:153119; procedure:99;procedure:126;procedure:60;