Government Domain register

Government domains that appear on GOV.UK

Government-Domain Hostname Organisation Start-Date End-Date
The unique code for a GOV.UK government domain. The section of a GOV.UK URL that identifies a service. For example, The entity's organisation. The date a record first became relevant to a register. The date a record stopped being applicable.
7572 whitbytowncouncil 2001-09-19
7574 whitehilltowncouncil 2004-01-20
7575 whitehorsedc local-authority-eng:VAL 2001-01-17
7577 whithornpriorymuseum 2007-10-15
7578 whitnashtowncouncil 2005-01-31
7579 whitworth 2001-09-10
7580 wigan local-authority-eng:WGN 2003-05-12
7581 wiganmbc local-authority-eng:WGN
7583 wilsdenparishcouncil 2004-09-17
7584 wiltsfire 2003-03-28
7585 wiltshire local-authority-eng:WIL 2000-06-19
7592 wimborne 2000-05-17
7593 winchester local-authority-eng:WIN 2007-04-13
7594 windleshampc 2000-01-24
7595 windsor local-authority-eng:WNM 2000-06-08
7596 winkfieldparishcouncil 2005-06-30
7597 winnersh 2002-08-14
7598 winsford 2001-07-19
7600 winslowtowncouncil 2008-05-19
7603 wirksworth 1999-12-03
7604 wirral local-authority-eng:WRL 1999-11-02
7605 wirral-mbc local-authority-eng:WRL 2002-01-18
7607 witham 2003-05-14
7608 witham-1st-idb internal-drainage-board:IDB108 2007-08-07
7610 witley-pc 2005-01-04
7611 witney-tc 2002-06-18
7612 wivenhoe 2002-02-25
7613 wixford-pc local-authority-eng:STR 2007-07-09
7614 wlga 2000-06-15
7622 woking local-authority-eng:WOI 2007-12-04
7623 wokingham local-authority-eng:WOK 2003-02-19
7624 wokingham-tc 2004-02-23
7628 wokinghamwithout-pc 2005-09-29
7629 wokinghamwithoutparishcouncil 2005-04-29
7632 wolverhampton local-authority-eng:WLV 2003-05-21
7636 wooburnparish 2000-04-14
7637 woodbridge-suffolk 2002-05-27
7638 woodchurch-pc 2004-05-25
7639 woodgreen-pc 2006-01-30
7640 woodley 2001-03-30
7642 woodstock-tc 2006-07-26
7644 woottonbassett 2003-01-16
7646 woottonwawen-pc local-authority-eng:STR 2007-02-23
7647 worcester local-authority-eng:WOC 2006-10-31
7649 worcestershire local-authority-eng:WOR 2008-03-05
7652 workandpensions government-organisation:D10 2001-08-17
7664 world-weather government-organisation:EA46 2000-08-21
7665 worldweather government-organisation:EA46 2000-08-21
7666 worthing local-authority-eng:WOT 2007-04-03
7672 wrecsam principal-local-authority:WRX 2002-03-01
7674 wrexham principal-local-authority:WRX 2003-05-23
7677 wroughton 2000-06-07
7678 wrwa 2000-06-20
7684 wychavon local-authority-eng:WYC 2004-09-03
7685 wycombe local-authority-eng:WYO 2000-07-14
7688 wyrebc local-authority-eng:WYR 1999-08-31
7689 wyreforest local-authority-eng:WYE 2003-10-24
7690 wyreforestdc local-authority-eng:WYE
7691 xhibit government-organisation:EA601 2003-01-09
7694 yaptonpc 2002-01-31
7695 yateley-tc 2005-01-21
7696 yatetowncouncil 2004-02-10
7699 yellowcard government-organisation:EA63 2004-01-07
7701 yeovilwithoutparishcouncil 2005-06-16
7702 ygwasanaethpensiwn government-organisation:D10 2004-03-30
7705 yjani government-organisation:D19 2003-10-13
7707 ynysmon principal-local-authority:AGY
7708 york local-authority-eng:YOR 1999-07-09
7709 yorkconsort internal-drainage-board:IDB32 2004-04-16
7715 yorkshirelca 2006-01-30
7723 youthjusticeagencyni government-organisation:D19 2003-07-14